
Recently, I took a system analysis course, which was taught by the guys from the “School of Strong Programmers”. I have two goals:

  1. First, I need to calibrate. I handle a dozen tech stacks that have different tool sets and concepts of beauty. This, of course, is a great development, but it distorts the perspective: I am drawn to solve the next problem, starting with minor technical things, simply because I am good at it. Meanwhile, if you look at the problem a little from above, think about it, and draw some diagrams, you will get a better or at least more meaningful solution. So I want to convince myself to do this more often.
  2. Secondly, I need to learn how to write clear documentation for developers. In practice, I rarely get around to it, and when I do, I don’t have time to keep it up-to-date. In short, time is short, and I would at least like to do the paperwork somehow so that the reader grasps the idea more quickly.

The course itself is made in the shape of iterations: every week you are told about the same project that the main character of the story, Ibrahim, is trying to design (that’s him on the landing page in the link above). Every week, there are more and more problems with this project, and the solutions that dude comes up with become more and more intricate.

In addition, students are regularly assigned homework for another project with similar issues. It needs to be analyzed and designed again and again, taking into account the new knowledge and limitations gained over the past week.

So far, it's going great. The main concern is a lack of time. I read relatively slowly and try to take notes on the most captivating or simply difficult passages. Meanwhile, there is a lot of material in the course, and all of it is interesting, even if you count only the main part of the content.

In addition, if you go to the additional links, you can even take away the saints. It takes six months, no less. I tried to read them at least diagonally, but it turned out to be a damn bad idea. I ended up seeing the main character of the course in a street advertisement :)

7 Jule 2024 meanwhile

Singapore Doll ← Ctrl → Yaga