Wrong Freeway Entrance

Have you ever taken the wrong freeway entrance? You need to drive to the next exit to turn around, but you hate every inch of travel because you're going away from your goal.

― Andy Weir, "The Martian"

Programmers have exactly the same emotions when they spend a long time working on something. They suddenly realize that part of it should be designed differently. Moreover, this is exactly what you have to do since it solves several problems at once. This is where technical debt is born.

However, right now you don’t change anything but continue to work with the part of the code that already exists. After all, you are professional, and you have a release date! You have to make it on time and then pay the debt, but you hate every inch of code you write because you're going away from your goal.

14 November 2023 code smell

Everyday Heroism ← Ctrl → Last Meth